Who is SIV?
SIV was created by a group of parents that spent many years in and out of crisis, feeling totally alone and abandoned. We were extremely lucky that our paths crossed and our well being improved. This made us very aware of the difference that, that made and so we became determined to make sure that no other SEN family travels the same road we did.
We are unable to change our past but we can help to shape your futures!
We are working hard to make sure that all Southwark SEND families are heard by the professionals working with your SEND children and young people. We know that by working together we can achieve the best possible outcomes for our children and young people.
We aim to do this by sharing information, resources and tools through face-to-face meetings, events and online platforms. Our ultimate goal is to share information and resources to improve the life of individuals with SEND living in Southwark.
By working with partners in Local Authority, Education, Health and Social Care, we want to make sure all parent/carers and young people have a voice and a say in the development and provision of its services.
Be sure to sign up to our Mailing List so we can keep you up to date with our special free workshops and our brand new 'Chill & Chat' group!
Are you a professional that would like to know more? Email us!
Meet us!
Nicky - Chair
Single Parent of two boys, one with SEND. Attends a SEND school, out of borough.
Favourite Quote: "When you fall there will always be another special parent to wait with you until you rise again."
Yassin - Vice Chair
Father of two.
Favourite Quote: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
Xandra - Lead Parent Link Coordinator
Parent of four, one with SEND. Attends a SEND school.
Favourite Quote: "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."
Aisha - Parent Link Coordinator
Parent of four, two with SEND, 1 additional needs. SEND school, and resource based.
Favourite Quote: " Children with special needs aren't sent to special parents. They make parents special."